
OET study buddy

Original price was: €80.00.Current price is: €65.00.



Course Introduction

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First how the programme works:

This program takes on an andragogical approach, which basically falls in with most students’ learning preferences.

It basically gives the best and most useful tips and summarizes the entire process to support your learning towards getting a great insight into the OET and hopefully helping you reach your full potential.

Having said its andagogic in nature, it is very flexible and accommodating. That is, after we must have offered what is on our lesson plan, please feel very free to ask questions and communicate your specific needs. This can be done on our discussion board or preferably on our whatsapp platform. If you feel something you want to learn is not covered please draw my attention to it and am a reflector and very open to feedback and recommendations/suggestions.

Mode of delivery:

The Standard Package:

This will be done mainly through the website e-learning portal, which provides a range of voice over lectures, pdf materials, useful links and videos. You are also provide with follow up and discussions on the whatsapp study group. Some pdf materials are available for download on demand, occasional zoom calls for catch up and referral for self study and group work in the case of a group class. You will have access to your tutor for questions and further clarifications and the program ends with a mock test.


For the standard:

This is flexible and strictly controled by you and The group will be continuously active from 9am to 9pm daily. After these times please do not send messages to respect everyone’s private time.

Mode of assessment: This will include the following

Assessor assessment: You will need to complete your activities and submit to your buddy assessor for assessment

Self assessment: Some activities will require you to act alone and self assess yourself either by your own ability or by computed works or by both

Peer assessment: You will be grouped for some activities and will assess yourselves. This exposes you to seeing the OET you from a different perspective

Mock: As arranged on your study plan, this will be done at the end of the program. It will mimic the real test

Certification: You will be provided with a certificate of completion and advised to keep practicing. The group will be kept open for 1 month (4 weeks) after completion. This is to support you so you can still seek support and ask questions or submit practice work for peer review until you take your test as you are advised to take your test immediately after the class no later than 1 month. After this period you will graduate off the platform.

Please feel free to contact me if further help is needed

Kindest regards

Olayinka Aremu

OET Coordinator



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